The Death of a Great Game.

Day 2,690, 13:10 Published in Canada Canada by Exalted Druid

Dear Friends:

One thing is clear, Plato and his minions did not have a clue what their game was about. When they introduced the dictator module they forced us to destroy our own communities or have someone else destroy it for us.

In the end the result was exactly the same. Total destruction of the one thing that kept people engaged in the game. The only reason we signed in every day was to interact with each other, not click on some stupid button.

We fought for each other and we fought each other. Truthfully most of our fun came from fighting each other.

We had our party and MU tribes. We fought for control and bragging rights. We tried to help each other and new players so they would join our tribe. Now our tribes no longer matter.

Without our tribes the game is just a few buttons to push. Our tribes now exist only on lists but they no longer serve any real purpose. There is no longer a reason to grow your tribe. There is no point being the largest tribe. There is no point starting a new tribe. It is all gone.

The game will be left to the few who have invested too much money to leave and then finally those people will realize everyone else has left and there is no point continuing.

This game was completely destroyed when they got rid of the purpose of having our tribes.

The only thing left for us is to try to put together the 200K to bring back democracy. Try to recapture some of the game we once knew until some foreigner PTO’s us. Then we can all quit as friends knowing we tried.

Finally for Plato, when a business has no clue what business it is in, its demise is inevitable.

Yours respectfully

Exalted Druid.