The Cracks in Peace Grow

Day 651, 20:14 Published in USA Canada by Armour144

The Cracks in Peace Continue to Grow

Yesterday several important things happened. Multiple regions were attacked, and perhaps most importantly, those victories have created even more tension in the already stressed Peace alliance.

In case you’ve been hiding in a cave on a remote island somewhere in the Pacific, I’ll give you a really quick rundown of what happened.

1.California was defended by Peace, yet they spent at least 12k gold defending it, while F/E spent around 3k. So who really won this one?

2.Ontario was successfully conquered by Canada. Due to the ongoing battles around the world, there was hardly any French resistance during the entire thing.

3.Asturias, a high iron region, was successfully captured by the Spanish resistance.

4.Aegean Islands, although not an important region itself, was easily defended by the Greeks against the continually unsuccessful Turkish attacks.

5.Slavonia, a highly populated Croatian territory, was defended from the attacking Serbs. The Serbians wasted hundreds of gold doing essentially useless tanking, which could have been better spent in Asturias or Ontario.

And that’s my highly un-detailed recount of yesterday’s events.

As you can see, we won almost everything, with California being a split victory because of the enormous amount of gold wasted by Peace. This, of course, brought high tensions to the enemy, who has already had some difficulty with Italy being PTO’d, and Russia rejecting the US peace treaty.

Ontario and Asturias are both highly valuable territories. They both have vast numbers of people and companies in them, and, once captured, can give an enormous economic boost to the conquering country. Well, it just so happens that France lost both of these extremely important territories yesterday, which has no doubt angered them.

France was essentially ignored by Peace during the day’s conflicts. This is no doubt a growing trend within the Peace alliance ever since they decided to try and conquer North America. First was the Italy PTO by the Croats. Everyone was aware that it was happening, and yet Peace still decided to go ahead and try to PTO Canada anyways (which ultimately failed anyways). Italy became PTO’d, and do you know what Peace had to say to them? They told Italy that Peace couldn’t always protect them.
A supposedly “defensive” alliance was no longer willing to defend it’s own countries.

Another bout of Peace ignoring and not lending support was in the Canadian RW’s against the UK.
The UK was annihilated, there’s no way to hide it. Peace did nothing to help them, meanwhile all of Canada’s allies flocked to the UK to aid us. Eventually, the UK was kicked out of North America, having been utterly defeated, simply because their “allies” refused to help them.

And then came along France, capturing Quebec, Ontario, Asturias, and many other Spanish regions. Soon enough, RW’s were popping up in Spain, and Quebec had fallen (quite easily) to Canada. Why? Because nobody was helping France out while F/E fighters aided Spain and Canada.

Then we come to yesterday, where 2 of Frances most valuable conquered regions were retaken by Canada and Spain. As I said earlier, Ontario was easily won because France was focused on Asturias. And yet, even though France was determined to hold Asturias, it still was won by the resistance against a country which holds over 20 thousand citizens. How could this have happened, especially since Peace was also at their back?

It fell because Peace wasn’t at their back. Basically, what happened was France was doing one of those trust exercises with Peace, where they fall back and Peace catches them. The only problem here is that when France fell backwards, Peace was over in California spending all of their gold on a battle that F/E wasn’t even tanking in. France then fell to the ground, and got pummelled by a group of resistance fighters who happened to be passing by.

A picture taken by Hungary just before France attempted to use the toilet.

Once again, Peace left another one of its countries out in the rain without an umbrella. It sent France down a slip-n-slide, but at the end of the slide, there was a thorn bush. Peace put Saran Wrap over a toilet, which France then attempted to use. (Do you like these little jokes? 😛) Now where was I….

Asturias was taken by the resistance force, purely because all of the Peace tanks had already fought their heart out to win California, but used up enormous amounts of gold in the process.

I now suggest you take a quick look a this article -->

Mathieu Bonne, a former Peace Secretary General, is clearly angry at Peace. Peace (I’m guessing this means Hungary and Indo, but only a guess) goes ahead and mocks France, saying that it is weak.
Now France, can you seriously call these fellows your allies? The ones that mock you, don’t offer military aid, and don’t really care about you?

Go ahead and stand up to Peace. You don’t need to be Hungary’s puppet anymore. Portugal has already pulled out of this war. They didn’t want to get into it in the first place, they were forced to by Indonesia.

Canada has recently proposed a peace treaty to France. It is time for us to stop being lifelong enemies, and to start anew. We don’t want to be your enemies, and we can clearly see just how badly countries like your have, and are being used by Hungary and Indonesia in their plan for world domination (which isn’t going well at the moment).

So stand up to Peace. Stand up to Hungary and Indonesia, because believe me, you won’t be the only country that will.