The ALP Willing to Make Peace with the AFP!

Day 3,134, 20:43 Published in Armenia Iran by Anthony Buchanan

The ALP's leader, Anthony have said this morning that the new ALP wants to make peace with the AFP so that the 2 parties can work together, not fighting against each other because for months, the ALP and AFP have started attacking each other and that the 2 leaders were also attacked by each other.

He said a amazing speech to all eArmenians(below)

"Today is a new day for eArmenia, Today is a new day for the ALP and the AFP because for months and months, we've been attacked by each other about issues that are facing eArmenia and about our ideologies. Well, the attacking is officially over because the ALP have decided that we can no longer attack the AFP by force so that the best way for us is to make peace with the AFP and to have political and business relations between each other so that it will help the 2 parties thrive in next month's elections. That way, AFP can help the ALP recover from our situations and that in return, we can help the AFP and to support them in every election. For now, the AFP and ALP will no longer be rival parties, they will be as cooperating political parties. So Let the Peace Dominate eArmenia and Let the Political Drama Collapse and Let's Make eArmenia Stronger, Safer and Secured for the Future."

eArmenians, Do you think the ALP can now have peaceful relations with the AFP? Answer Yes or No and please include your opinion as well. Thank You and Your Opinion Matters To Us and It Matters to eArmenia!