The ALP Is Trying to Reach Out to All People with the AHC/AFP's Support

Day 3,135, 12:12 Published in Armenia Iran by Anthony Buchanan

The ALP's leader, Anthony have said this morning that he's rebranding the ALP as a mainstream, social democratic party that will focus on rebuilding eArmenia, its economy and will also focus on solving people's problems and to change people's lives 1 step at a time. This comes after he decided to make peace with the ALP yesterday after months of drama and turmoil between the 2 once-rival parties. He hopes that the another relaunch of ALP may help voters considered joining the ALP or the AFP. He also hopes that after the merger with the AHC is due to be completed in July 2016, the new ALP will be the largest political party in eArmenia that will serve all walks of life here in eArmenia including the Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Iranians and other minorities that are present in eArmenia. For now, the ALP's newspaper(the Examiner) in which you're reading right now has experienced a decline in readership all because of the arrival of new relations between the AFP so to solve this, we should encourage eArmenians to continue reading the paper so that we can still cover snd talk about taboo topics from a mainstream, eArmenian perspective. In the meantime, the ALP is now trying to get support from the AFP and the AHC so that the new ALP can really be a safe and trusted political party in eArmenia that will be free of corruption and free of violence.

eArmenians, do you think the 2 political parties(AHC & AFP) can come forward in supporting the ALP? Answer Yes or No and please include your opinion as well. Thank You and Your Opinion Matters to eArmenia and It Matters to Us! 🙂