The ALP Is Going on the Brink of Collaspe

Day 3,136, 15:23 Published in Armenia Iran by Anthony Buchanan

The ALP's leader(Anthony) has said that the ALP would going on the brink of collapse if the party fails to gain back enough support from voters. This comes after 1 member of the ALP resigned because of political reasons and problems surrounding the ALP. Luckily, his party's newspaper(the Examiner) in which u are reading right now has recently increased its membership to 25 all because people are well responding to the ALP every day. He also says to us that the only 3 ways to revive the ALP is either to encourage people to join the ALP(by reading the Examiner), to have the ALP-AHC merger completed or to tell a friend about joining the ALP. That way, the ALP won't suffer a political meltdown in the presidential elections ever again. He plans to address the current situation about the future of ALP in the coming days. Meanwhile, people are also encouraged to vote for him as President of eArmenia next month so that he can make eArmenia stronger, safer and secured for future generations! 🙂

eArmenians, do you think u can strongly support/join the ALP and to give them another shot in winning monthly elections? Answer Yes or No and please include your opinion as well! Thank You Very Much! Your Opinion Matters to eArmenia and it matters to us.