The ALP and The Examiner Remembers Muhammad Ali(1942-2016)

Day 3,125, 15:29 Published in Armenia Iran by Anthony Buchanan

Muhammad Ali was one of the world's greatest athletes of all time, he was a fighter which he always dreamed of and he was also a anti-war supporter because he refused to serve in the Vietnam War and as a result, he didn't quit fighting and continued to fight regularly until Parkinson's disease did lose his ability to fight. He also advocated for peace and harmony among every generation.

The ALP and the Examiner is celebrating the life of Muhammad Ali and we will remember him a champion for peace and that eArmenians will use his thinkings to think about themselves and about the future of our homeland.

Remember what he says about the freedom of speech and life in this world right now:

"Silence is golden when you can't think of a good answer", "He who isn't courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life"- Muhammad Ali

eArmenians, what are your thoughts of Muhammad Ali and how he became a champion of peace?