The ALP-AHC Merger Still Going Stronger Than Ever

Day 3,127, 05:57 Published in Armenia Iran by Anthony Buchanan

The ALP's leader, Anthony have said to us this morning that the ALP-AHC merger is still going stronger than ever before because the new ALP will allow him to remain party president while other positions for the new ALP will be decided by the 2 party's leaders. He also says that he decided to start his bid for President of eArmenia again so that he can share his ideas and views to every eArmenian so that in a effort for him and his party to gain between 10%-80% of the total nationwide vote. Depsite eArmenia increasing its population and that many new eArmenians started joining the AFP and its ally parties, the new ALP will remain competitive to the AFP and that it will encourage eArmenians to become supporters of the new ALP by joining the new ALP so that it can become a top-ranked party in eArmenia. He also says that he is looking for other parties to step in the game by supporting him as President of eArmenia so that in a way, he can become eArmenia's most trusted politicans.

eArmenians, do you think other small parties in eArmenia can support him as the new President of eArmenia this July? Answer Yes or No and please include your opinion as well. Thanks and Your Voice Matters!