The action: day 4-5

Day 762, 17:37 Published in Germany Germany by disLex

On the one hand with the work of yesterday and today took us to the place 6th. We need just a little to get in the TOP5.
On the other hand I'm worry. I got deal with eHungary, eSerbia, eTurkey, eGermany and eFrance that they put it in their orders. However, today just eHungary and eSerbia did it clear.

In Turkeys daily order I seen the link just in the english version. Its good for english people who read turkish orders but not for the turkish. Though thats already anything. Please correct it and PUT OUR LINK in the turkish version too. I didnt see any baby-boom writing in the eGerman orders (maybe becouse THERE ISNT any orders for german people today) and though i got the deal with the French MoD, i didnt see anything in French press too except Rotfuchss article that havent got my french GIF. I found the russian MoD on IRC, he didnt answered me, maybe he was busy for a day long.

Yesterday, as I said at the most important day we got 884 votes, thats beautiful, we did everything what we could. Today i didnt play till 22 o'clock, maybe that was the reason why we had only 643 votes (the 2/3 of yesterday) . -When I dont shout to everyone, I cant execpt anything.
Rotfuchs published the execpted articles, please vote them up, in many countries its in the top5. You can still find the babyboom GIFs in many languages here. We got only 2 days more and we need only 2-300votes for TOP5 but if we push it hard, we can get to the 4th place and than everyone can be happy.

Please forgive me that i always tell the bad things more, Im not ungrateful, I just always thinking of 'If he and he would do it blablabla'.

Shout it, Vote it, Click it, Publish it -

We got lot of aricles supports:

-Euphonix and his article
-AlpKhaan and his aricle
-B1T3 and his article
(TELL ME in comment please, if you found another)

Thanks for reading,
Your enthusiastic disL