Thank You Mr. President

Day 1,354, 05:11 Published in Canada Canada by Alias Vision

Too often in Canada we demonize our own citizens. In some cases, the wounds are self-inflicted as individuals make of themselves social pariahs through their words and actions. More usual is that someone is a temporary adversary, a man or woman for which it is more expedient to destroy than to compete against.

Once in a very long while we do the opposite, we lionize someone. A good example of this is Jacobi.

While the former can be deserved but usually isn’t, the latter is a breath of fresh air in what can be the most stale of environments. When it happens it reminds us of the levels we can achieve by building rather than destroying.

Today I wish to lionize Sperry.

I have sat the presidential chair and I know the ways in which a leader of a country is solicited every moment of every day. It can be, at its best, an exhausting job... and there is a key there... job. There is a public face to the role of President and a private one.

The expectations are enormous. Your most vocal critics will always be the ones who demand more but would never actually do the work themselves. And for every voice that climbs the soapbox to denounce you publicly, there are ten more whispering in your ear, trying to push you this way and that. Their license is that you hold public office and are therefore free to target.

Whether that is fair or unfair is irrelevant, it is just the nature of the job.

Sperry managed to make of this past month, in his words, something fun. He did it by being consistent publicly and allowing us to see a lot of what goes on privately. He will be deemed a success, indeed for my money perhaps one of the greatest successes Canada has ever seen, because he was polite and respectful.

Nevermind that he leaves us a country that is whole when as late as Congressionals we were openly wondering if we even would be left a country. Sperry managed as President to shed the skin of politician for the more difficult one of leader. He was always a good communicator but during this past month he elevated his game and became a great one. Contrary to most past presidents he did not talk at us but rather engaged us in his conversations. He did it with daily articles. I have done 30 articles in 30 days, it was one of the most difficult challenges I've ever set for myself. Sperry gave us that kind of output while also being one of the most present and participatory presidents in recent memory.

It is a real treat to witness a debate in which an individual does not show the need to win his point but only present his point, and in so doing wins it. Sperry would not curse, would be endlessly patient and most importantly trusted in the intelligence of the individuals he was debating with. That meant showing his hand, allowing you to disagree with him and ultimately make your own decisions, but never compromising his own values and sense of what was right and wrong. In the long run that imposes respect and it is a gift that Canada sorely needed.

For taking the citizens of a country that were more interested in tearing each other’s throat out and unifying them in purpose...

For bringing maturity, respect and intelligence to the debates...

For making Canada whole...

Sperry immediately must be considered as having entered the ranks of elder statesmen.

On this day of election, as a new citizen rises and will be asked to fill very great shoes, I wish to say a big thank Mr. President.

Job well done... well done indeed.