Thank you Czechoslovakia!

Day 1,397, 05:15 Published in Slovakia Czech Republic by Rhual

Dear friends,

After we conquered the world with ONE/pro-ONE, eliminated USA, Brasil, Argentina, China and half of Europe, beaten the forces of EDEN/Terra, we stopped. The summer was coming (yeah “Winter is coming” now and since Game of Thrones we know, this doesn’t means good... 🙂 ), the enemy is recovered nicely and boiled in vengeance, while we spent the summer with a well-deserved rest.
Since it failed earlier (only 1 region could stay on), they were thinking the time is here again and the first time of the history of the game, Serbia has been wiped by a three-front attack. This was a blood-thirsty revenge after Serbia deleted Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia repeatedly.
There was no doubt who will be the next target after this. Honestly, when the Croats were started the attack and seeing that one of the most powerful country of the world was abolished, I would not bet big money on that, we will be able to protect Hungary.

But we did it! Back in February, there was a huge battle in Central Hungary and defended by powerful mastery, what was the first major test of strength to the newly formed ONE, followed by many others. Despite so many conquered region, in my opinion an alliance, a brotherhood’s real power will manifest itself, when the original regions of our friends are under attack. And I just have seen this! I was pleasure to watch a lot of help from everyONE at the defended Central Hungary, Northern Hungary (2 times) and Western Transdanubia battles, they were the turning points in this bloody struggle.

The enemy was expelled from Hungary, which has not been possible without your help, so on behalf of my country, Hungary, I want to say thank you to all the people’s devoted work! Hungary won’t forget it!

Theoden, the king of Rohan words:
We shall have peace... when you answer for the burning of Serbia, South Hungary and Macedonia and the soldiers that lie dead there. We shall have peace, when the lives of the soldiers, whose bodies were hewn even as they lay dead against the gates of Belgrade, Budapest and Skopje, are avenged! When you hang from a gibbet for the sport of your own battle heroes... we shall have peace!

Hail ONE!
Hail Czechoslovakia!

Your friend,
