Tank Donations

Day 614, 17:28 Published in Canada Serbia by Coda

Hello eCanada!

Alberta was attacked and we want to do absolutely everything we can do to protect it and to make sure that Alberta does not fall into the wrong hands.

We are opening a Tank Donation Fund where regular Canadians can donate to help pay for Canadian tanks and Foreign tanks (a tank is someone who has a considerable amount of strength and a high military rank in the game) to defend their provinces. All funds collected will go directly to tanking in Alberta.

Also, for users that donate 5+ gold they will receive a special custom made medal on our forums and for those who donate 10+ gold will receive a different custom made medal so even you can be a decorated war hero after the war for your donation efforts!

As per battle instructions for today, please focus your efforts in Alberta!

~General Coda

P.S. A message by our Minister of Public Safety (1ronman) was also produced please vote up his article as well.