Switzerland Needs You!

Day 1,427, 13:39 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Federal Chancellery

Greetings madams and monsieurs!

It is time for you, as a citizen, to help Switzerland in her time of need. It is time for you, as a citizen, to contribute to our cause for survival. It is time for youm as a citizen, to do your best, and work your hardest. You might be asking: "How can I be of service?"

Well, you've come to the right place at the right time. The Swiss government has decided that because of our current situation, Foreign Affairs is a crucial department which will need as much help as it can get. Therefore, we are starting the Ambassador Program.

So basically, what will happen is that you, as a Swiss citizen, can request to be an ambassador to another nation, for example, Austria. A report will need to be published weekly, which may consist of Cabinet changes, new wars and alliances, current economic situations, and etc. In addition, a report will need to be published about Swiss affairs onto the other nation's forum. Interviews will also be highly smiled upon.

How will this help Switzerland? It will help save the Foreign Affairs department time on researching basic information about the other nation. In addition to that, you, the ambassador, will learn new skills and allow you to experience what it's like to serve your country.

As of now, we will need an ambassador to the following countries:


If you are interested in becoming an ambassador, please feel free to message me in-game, or on the Swiss National Forum.

So why wait? Serve your country today! Make a difference! It is time to bring Switzerland new glory! We shall be on the map once again, and we shall stay on the map!

Yours Truly,
Monsieur Guillontine
Minister of Foreign Affairs