sunlightz for congress!

Day 1,370, 05:57 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Firebourne

Greetings to my beloved and righteous eMalaysians.

I’m sunlightz, and I'm currently running for the congress election that is coming up real soon. I’m an aged old eMalaysian that was born in August 22 2009, which dates back a long long time ago. Most of you may not have heard from me, as I was retired and hiding from the limelight for a period of time.

Let’s talk a little about me. I have seen my beloved eMalaysia engulfed by the eIndons; I was part of the Mudkipz worker’s party under the leadership of Balkan Beast. I witness the flame wars between MWP and the old DAP. I have been through the fight against the pig disgusted people and their puppets while I was in the MWP. I was then later elected as the internal welfare officer for the South East Labor Party.

As you can see, I was rather active in the politics when eMalaysia had her biggest baby boom. When we were glorious, feared, and great!

I have seen the mayhem, the chaos hatch from the invasion in our beloved motherland! I fought, I resist, yet, we had failed. From then on, I was hidden of the views of the world, heartbroken, sad, and in despair as I had seen my motherland being ravished by other countries.

Now, I had return. I do not wish to see our land to be ravished once more; I want my motherland to be strong, to be one, to be great. I sincerely believe this is attainable, as I’m more convinced by the relationship we had with eIndonesia.

Lastly, back to the point. I will be running for the congress, I would not make empty and idiotic political promises to everyone; I only wish to say, I would do my best, and do whatever it takes to restore this wonderful motherland of ours to its once glorious past.
