Day 1,487, 00:52 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Federal Chancellery

Dear Citizens of Switzerland,

We live in tempestuous times here in Western Europe. Today we have 4 regions, but who knows what tomorrow brings?
You may all be wondering why there is a Natural Enemy (NE) proposal against eUSA !
Well, it's complicated, so put on your reading glasses.

a. eUSA and Canada are going after Eastern Europe.
b. They want to go through Switzerland to achieve their goals.
c. eSwitzerland has decided to align with them but remain neutral.
d. eUSA and eSwitzerland will both NE each other.
e. We will have our regions back before congress elections so prepare to run for congress.

The good side is that there will be wars, wars, wars !

This will help our citizens with the "True Patriot" mission (now on your home-page).
..... Defeat 300 enemies by the end of the year for Switzerland
..... Have 10 bazooka in your storage

Our friends in the eNew World would be coming through Switzerland whether we liked it or not. Our negotiations have gotten us the best possible outcome for Switzerland.

I never expected this term as CP to be easy and it hasn't been ! But you can be assured that the Ministry Cabinet and I are working VERY hard to do what's best for Switzerland.

Stay proud Switzerland !
Soon the world will be speaking Swiss !

My Best Regards,

