State your opinion!

Day 2,458, 06:53 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Legendardisch

Dear Citizens of the eNetherlands.

I want to know your upmost honest opinion on our current situation with ePoland, who after following procedures, is still keeping us wiped under a motto named 'Its for a mission'

I personally believe that its a lie
As you know with the introduction of homes, the situation of resources changed.

Formerly our region Southern Netherlands offered Cattle, however due to the changes, it now offers wood. Poland occupied Southern Netherlands to get a food resource bonus.
Now eastern netherlands offers cattle

its due to that that i dont think that our regions per agreement will be returned.
I have simply no faith in that

Poland has also treated us for the past years as resource, puppets and garbage
when something had to be done, it became a demand and it had to be done immediatly
when we did something not to their likings, we get punished.
and when we do something they dont want, its all our fault and never that of poland.

Poland acts like the spoiled brat in class.

I want your opinion on poland
do you think the government must make a clear stand on poland?
do you think the agreement is breeched?
do you think the government works accordingly

Now ofcourse government members are excluded from this general opinion gathering, but congress is allowed to share its opinion here too
but that of you the citizen is more appreciated.
i await your opinion

- Legendardisch