Some questions are more important than others

Day 1,553, 08:53 Published in Canada Canada by Alias Vision

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present to you what many wish was in fact a dead horse. One which I will forthwith proceed to beat with this proverbial stick called the media pulpit. Many more would prefer we not feed the creature under the bridge who periodically extorts his toll on a increasingly unaware Canadian constituency.

However, Rolo Tahmasee continuously insinuates himself into the public debate. That he is having an impact on Canada’s public life can’t be denied. The conversation could easily be, is his influence and support actually growing? As such he demands that we ask ourselves some questions as a community. And some questions are simply more important than others.

In this case, we are talking about a pardon.

The decision on a pardon matters because one way or another it will send a message. People’s actions have consequences and they create a cascade of other consequences as citizens decide to oppose or emulate what they perceive others are doing. The decision to pardon will set, amongst other things, a statute of limitation on the actions of an individual or group. It will reinforce the conviction of some while undermining that of others.

A potential pardon, and the way that the players then comport themselves subsequently, will go a long way in defining the social-political “culture” in Canada.


As such, I invite you to participate in the 1 minute survey whose focus is Rolo Tahmasee and this pardon that Congress is debating. As always, rest assured that your answers will remain completely confidential. Who knows, along with the potential to win up to $1,000 just for participating, your opinion may help sway the debate one way or another. So take the time and reply in great numbers.


Thank you.