Smirnoff For Congress.

Day 369, 16:44 Published in USA Russia by Smirnoff

Good Morning Dear Citizens of Russia,
My name is Smirnoff. By writing this article, I am announcing my candidacy for Congress.

Currently, I am a president and founding father of the Free Russia Party (Партия Свободная Россия). I am also one of the proud founders of еРеспублика.ру (, a discussion area for Russian citizens, companies, political parties, and foreign embassies.

First of all, I would like to share my views about current situation in Russia. Russia just got its independence and depends on strong and clever decisions. I fought for Russia in resistance war and I will continue improving Russia until I feel that Mother Russia is on the right track. We, Russians have to build everything from the beginning. There are almost no parties, businesses, and people. Thus, I will concentrate my platform on these issues. Below I will discuss my position regarding Russian society, politics, and economy.

The number of Russian citizens is very low. I will do my best to attract people to Russia from foreign eRepublik nations and other gaming /social websites with Russian user base. If elected, I will propose a fair citizen fee. Russian citizens will not struggle to find their food and shelter. I will make sure we have a great welcoming message, and detailed outline for new members of our community. For example, the letter will include major parties to join, companies to work in, newspapers to read, and more fun activities to do. This is a great way to escape from the “two-click” experience.

Russia needs as many parties as possible. Everyone has a right of representation: libertarians, democrats, socialists, and greens. Some people want low taxes, some people want high taxes. In reality, there is no fixed rate for taxes. The tax rate will depend on economic situation that Russia is in. However, if Russia has only one party, then the tax rate will represent only those people, who founded and sponsored the party. Parties are necessary for Russian society growth because the presidential and congress races will increase our knowledge about different views and ideas. We will have more leadership opportunities in case we have many parties. For instance, there are only two parties in Russia: Free Russia Party and Communist Party - Soviet Union. If we increase number of parties, we will also increase number of congressmen representing different views. I will cooperate with other parties to reach our common goals. Collectively, we will make better decisions.

In order to prosper, both economically and mentally, Russia needs many businesses in different sectors. Russia will prosper economically because more companies will bring competition, which will drive the prices down and make goods affordable to our citizens. The government must not control everything. The government intervention is only needed when free market fails. We also need many companies for mental reasons. eRepublik is a game, and it is not fun if you cannot run your own company. Most of us do not have a chance to run a business in real life. Let’s not take away this opportunity here. As far as considering internal policy, I will propose an average-low tax and a fair minimum wage. Specifically, I will propose an average tax in the beginning because we will have many foreign investors, who have the money to run their companies. However, we need to decrease the taxes with the time because we need to support our businesses. I will strongly promote exports. Our first region, Volga-Vyatka is rich with grain. Thus, grain and food industry will prosper. When we free our second region, I will work on getting export licenses for our domestic business owners.

Indeed, these three issues are the most important for me and Russia. If elected as congressman, I will use my power to increase our society, promote different political views, and give business opportunities to people.

Thank you very much for your attention. If you have any questions, comments, or any other suggestions, please post them below.

President and Founding Father of Free Russia Party (FRP)
Proud Founder of еРеспублика.ру