SFP CAN Into eUSA Congress

Day 1,316, 14:41 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors

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For those of you NOT subscribed to the Allied War Report with Israel Stevens, shame on you. In Day 9 - California, Texas Return to the Union!, Israel Stevens breaks it down for you. He is a good war writer and I suggest you checking the paper out!


That's right, eAmerica! California is once again in eUSA! Today could be a major turning point in the war against ONE, or it could be just luck. Either way, we now know that Indonesia isn't indestructible.

UPDATE: By the time this got published, California was once again Indonesian. Oh well, We close the war on other sides, focus our attention on RWing, and take it back soon!

ONE, of course, totally bypasses telling of this Indonesian failure in it's propaganda paper. Furthermore, at the end of the article, ONE Pivot Man, AThompson, invites everyone to troll the ONE bathhouse, #one.public. I say do him a favor, eAmerica! Hell, do him one better by trolling each and every article, too. Do it for the glory of Zoli.

While you are trolling, make sure you head on over to California, Texas LIBERATED! Hut Campaign Begins for a lost eAmerican past-time... trolling Ajay Bruno
PROTIP: Click to view THREE of his multies!

And while we are on the subject of trolling, do my eyes deceive me? SEES is back?

No. It's just Stanley Ibcus... :/

SFP CAN Into eUSA Congress

Congratulations to both Alex McKeon and Rainy Sunday for their elections into eUSA Congress.

Rainy Sunday is a Congress veteran, and sure to be a member of the 43rd Congress Leadership.

Alex McKeon is new to Congress, but an awesome newcomer. This is the man who put the party first when SFP was threatened with a possible PTO in the recent PP elections in which he was running against me. Alex is a dying breed of people who believe in the Prime Directive and place his own aspirations on the back burner.

Congratulations to both of them.

We now move forward to the next elections...

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