SEAL Team Six is Recruiting - Try some RAWR on for Size

Day 1,630, 14:05 Published in USA Greece by Maxx Johnson

Try some RAWR on for size

SEAL Team Six is actively accepting and onboarding new members. Apply HERE

What is SEAL Team Six?

SEAL Team Six is an Elite mobile branch of the USAF. Our focus is simple..... take the fight to ONE at every turn. We do this by aiding our Allies in resistance wars, by securing critical regions that forward the US objective, or by fighting on the domestic front when the situation calls for it.

What do supplies look like for SEAL Team Six?
As a member of ST6 all SEALs receive a daily allotment of 22 tanks per day. After you have established yourself as a member and exhibit a high level of activity you may apply for our elite unit, Gold Team. Members of Gold Team receive 33 tanks per day. We also cover food if you require that.

What are the requirements to join SEAL Team Six?
- Foreign members are accepted, in fact roughly 20% of our force are from other countries
- A high-level of activity is required
- IRC activity is required
- You must be willing to deploy and fight in foreign battles regularly and in a timely fashion.
- You must be willing to work in a commune assignment
- You must remain active, follow orders and fight to the best of your ability
- You must be willing to join the in game MU (we can help secure cs if needed)
- There is no requirement regarding rank or strength, decisions are made on a case by case basis. However, if you are brand new to the game, we strongly recommend that you consider Boot Camp. Their application is located Here

If you feel you meet these expectations and want to be a part of an amazing group of people Get WET with Us

If you have any questions regarding ST6 or recruitment, please drop a PM in game to Maxx Johnson, or SgtRock . You can also find us on IRC at #ST6-Public