Sad News

Day 828, 04:13 Published in Croatia Spain by Gixeska

A croatian citizen, called Wizl, has published in spain a informative article:

Croatians, i know that you are dismayed, the great attack that you were making has suddenly stop by the more stuppid way. Maybe you are angry with you allies but i ( like spanish ambassador and like colonel of the Spanish army forces , FFAA) have to tell you something.

I was these evening at the spanish headquarters in the IRC. Everybody knows about this battle but no orders was given to us until 40! minutes before the end of the battle.
Spain was the second one country in damage in the battle of upper austria with a total of 44k hits, i know this is a really SHIT.
But I only have to say that only the soldiers that were at this moment at the IRC could travel and fight.
The EDEN HQ has changed few days ago, in a very unusual movement of some members of EDEN HQ, and this HQ has start with a epic error that have cost Hellokitty and Lionking.
I desire for EDEN HQ start to work seriusly and stop with this strange movements that only want to search more and more power for some people.

Sadly, Gixeska, Spanish Ambassador.


P😨 Sorry too for my bad english xD.