Russia is being Invaded. Vote for Manifesto!!!

Day 380, 23:50 Published in Russia Russia by Smirnoff

Dear Friends, Co-members, Comrades, and simply Russians,
I am taking this moment to announce that FRP, BCP, and CPSU have united to vote for one president candidate, Manifesto.
In these hard times, when our beloved country is being taken over by Invaders, we must unite and forget about our misunderstandings.
As much as I disagree with communists, I still have to go for a compromise. Even though my supporters and friends are being called "Enemies of the people" and being insulted in many ways, I still make this decision to save Russia. Yes, to save my country, Russia from Fair Russia Party. They have invaded Ireland in the past. However, they failed to do so in Bulgaria. This time they got smarter and brought more people. They will destroy Russia if we do not fight them.
Please Russians, vote for Manifesto. We have to get this seat because it will be harder to do so during the Congress Elections.
I will understand if my party members will call me a traitor. And I am sorry to fail to fight Communists and, even worse, vote for one of them. However, it is not a battle between Communists, FRP, and BCP anymore. It is a fight to survive. I am also very sorry that I had to break the contract made with BCP and very glad that we talked this out and came to a Greater Agreement to save Russia.

Russians, I made my choice and stepped over my pride. I urge you all to vote for Manifesto.
United we will keep invaders away.

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