Running for Congress in BC.

Day 1,645, 14:49 Published in Canada Canada by MCMXCIlI

Greetings eCanucks,

For those who do not know me, allow me to introduce myself, I am Mordakai8. I have been a citizen for just a little over two years now, and I feel that it is about time I give back to the country and the people that have made these two years a very enjoyable experience.

I would like to officially declare that on Day 1648 (the 25th of this month), I will be running for Congress in BC.

The responsibility of representing you, the citizens of our great nation, is not something I take lightly upon myself. Many promises made today can become impossible to keep due to the unforeseen circumstances of tomorrow. What I can promise, however, is to be active and responsible at all times, and to make highly educated decisions that will benefit the majority of eCanucks. As a member of congress, any decision I make will be in the best interest of eBritish Columbians, and eCanucks alike. I can assure you that I'm not in it to beef up my resume and receive the 5 gold. I will probably just donate the gold I would earn if I won the election to the treasury. I'm running for a congress seat to benefit our nation. I'm running so that eCanadians can have a representative who is honest, trustworthy, and educated.

Earlier this year the CP at the time, as well as 18 members of congress voted on a law declaring war against eUK. This decision was a costly one, resulting in hundreds of gold being spent. Meanwhile, a Natural Enemy proposition would have achieved the same goal, while saving the national treasury all that gold. These members of congress should have known that the NE proposal was the more logical choice, however they still voted. This is the kind of uneducated mistake I would never make as a member of congress.

Government Programs:
To tackle the problem of population loss, I propose the creation of The Canadian Department of Education. Much like the eUSA counterpart, The Canadian D.O.E would be an open resource that is easily accessible to every eCanadian. It would teach new citizens the dynamics of the game, and encourage them to continue playing instead of quitting the game. Just as this information would be readily accessible to every eCanadian, Every eCanadian could contribute to this wealth of information.

I've been hearing from many eCanadian's through the grape vine that the Import taxes on Weapons and Food are too low. This low import tax gives a very good incentive to foreign suppliers to sell their products on our market at lower prices, while still making a nice profit. If elected, I plan on proposing a change to the import taxes from the current 10% to a higher 25%. This will curb imports of Food and Weapons, and allow eCanadian made goods to sell at higher prices, allowing the Canadian producers to make a better return from the products they sell.

The British-Canadian War:
While I am a big fan of free gold, medals, and making redcoats miserable, I do think that there is a good chance that the tides of war will turn once again. As we saw earlier this spring, ONE is capable of organizing attacks on home soil through the open UK borders, and there's no reason to believe it can't happen again. I believe that the future of this war should be seriously discussed in depth between congress, the PM, and his cabinet. Ideally, a resolution that benefits eCanada can be found.

Thank you eCanucks, Wish me luck!