Romania, Please Take A Moment

Day 773, 15:06 Published in Canada Canada by Armour144

There has been a swarm of articles coming from Romania complaining about lack of Eden support for their country. After losing two regions to Hungary (Transylvania and Crisana) they feel Eden needs to stop their offensives elsewhere and charge to their aid.

Now, being from Canada and having our entire country taken over, I know what being invaded feels like. It’s not a nice feeling, and I’m sure it’s worse for Romanians because of real-life issues with Hungary.

Would it really be worth it for countries currently on the attack (Poland, Spain and the US) to stop what they’re doing and send everything they have to Romania? Let’s look into this.


Yesterday a few very important battles took place: Prekmurje, Slovenia (their last region), Paris Isle of France (France’s Capital, without it France is pretty much crushed), and of course Transylvania, Romania (A region with a real-life value, or so I’ve heard)


First things first, it’s more than likely that Transylvania would still be standing had Romania not signed an MPP with China, which cancelled the American MPP. This was a big strategic blunder, and it could very well be the reason why Romania has lost 2 regions.

This, was Romania’s fault. End of story.


Croatia is in a tough position in Europe, being surrounded by Hungary, Serbia, and Slovenia.
Now, Slovenia being the weakest of the 3, is a logical choice to launch an assault on. Since Slovenia had been constantly blocking Croatia, Croatia needed to break out of it, which they did. It just so happened that Transylvania was attacked on the same day that the last Slovenian region was attacked.

Romania, was this not an important battle to win? If Croatia hadn’t attacked then Slovenia would’ve had a chance to block Croatia once again.


Some have called Spain’s war questionable, as France is not in Phoenix, and was working on having better relations with Canada and the US.
However, Spain didn’t have sympathy for them. No, Spain wanted revenge on a country that had previously conquered her entirely. And that’s exactly what Spain got with yesterday’s victory. When Paris was attacked it had about 5000 citizens in it.
When it was conquered it still held a similar number of citizens. With that blow France had been utterly defeated (although not officially), and is now a ghost of what it was just a few weeks ago.

Romania, what if you had been entirely conquered by a neighbouring country, say Hungary? Wouldn’t you do just about anything to wave the Romanian flag above Budapest?


Although no overly important regions were taken in this war yesterday, it was still important to win the battles in order to keep the initiative going. Poland was fighting single-handed against Germany and 8 allies. Even if those regions weren’t important, Poland had to win, and it sure isn’t easy to beat those kinds of odds, even with thousands of babies 😉

I’ve also seen some articles pointing out the fact that some 2000 Romanians are now in Hungary because of the loss.

Do you know what I have to say to that claim?

Some 6000 enemies are now in Eden controlled regions

Romania I have one last think to say to you. Use this to your advantage and get a baby boom. Hungary did it when you occupied most of their country, and now it’s your turn.

EDIT: The US is helping Romania the best they can, Heilongjiang is being attacked HERE
