Rewrite the law!

Day 2,596, 21:28 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Legendardisch

Greetings eNetherlands, we meet again!

I will cut to the case now.

Daniel Parker wanted to rewrite the lawbook, and that was several months ago and it didn't quite lift off.
So, here am I attempting to re do it.

Anyway here is a roadmap

Phase 1: Rewrite the lawbook in Dutch
Phase 2: Translate the rewritten lawbook to English
Phase 3: Fix grammar issues, both English and Dutch
Phase 4: Proofreading
Phase 5: Get Congressional Approval
Phase 6: Publish the new Lawbook and archive the Old lawbook

I think the phases are self explanatory.
However, nothing can be done alone.
And thats where you come in

Currently, I am recruiting for Phase 1, people will be recruited per phase.
To participate in Phase 1, you MUST be a NATIVE Dutch Speaker and you MUST have a google account.

As an addition to the lawbook, a terminology explanation chapter will be made to explain certain terminology.
The new lawbook can also be converted into a PDF, handy for sending it to new CM''s

If you want to participate, send me a motivation via the messaging system.
Thank you