Review and Preview

Day 1,325, 01:08 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors


So how about yesterday? Wasn't that some crazy election we had, eAmerica? Blank Keating narrowly defeated Technician by 15 votes after trailing the majority of the day within 50 votes.

I want to congratulate both Technician and Blank Keating for both having an amazing race. Either one of them, and also Thedillpickl for that matter, was a good choice for eAmerica; all three were great choices and great candidates.

I spent the day updating the race right here and hanging out in the IRC chat rooms of both candidates. At times, I saw members of both campaigns in the same room together, with everyone remaining very civil and friendly. The dirty tactics were at a minimum and I was happy to see both groups get along fine, most of the time.

Unlike past elections, both candidates showed a lot of class. Tech's Concession Speech was very good, and President Blank Keating has addressed the nation.

I also want to congratulate the 2034 people who actually voted. Well, except for those that continued to vote for Speedcat McNasty after he publicly retired from eRepublik. USWPhail:/

eUSA: A Work In Progress

"We are living in a new era," says Gnilraps, who publishes 16 Shells, one of the best papers out there today. I couldn't agree with him more.

In his most recent article, Post-Wipe eUSA, the new Press Secretary gives us a three-step guide on how to come together as one people. Read it and do it, eAmerica... we are but a work in progress right now.

But I do see progress, eAmerica. Even newcomers like M1ch0el are getting involved in the Reconstruction of the eUSA. What are YOU doing?

China: Invasion Imminent

The Allied War Report with Israel Stevens reports that China Prepares for Invasion. It goes without question that ONE is now gunning for China, as Servia continues to push through Russia and Hungary continues to push through the south and west of the eUSA to meet with Indonesia (who will push through the Philippines) to launch at least a three-pronged attack against the Hans. One has already laid waste to most of the Terra/EDEN nations and China would be the exclamation point in their conquest of the world.

Check current with the DoD Orders, but if you have damage that is not needed, please consider helping the Chinese out. I am sure they will appreciate it.

Yes, I am going to run again unless someone else steps up ready to assume the mantle of Chairman of the SFP Revolutionary Committee.

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