Res Theocraticae III

Day 582, 04:04 Published in Switzerland Italy by Dio Akira

I'm back, looking beyond the rigid critics and positions of somebody of us.

I have only one question: Did you think that manage a particular country like Theocratic Nation was easy?

NO... It's very difficult, I know it. Because I was, in difficult moment like this, the only that took everythings in his hands (army, companies, raws, salaries, founds, welfare and all that made this country a great country).

Now, I understand the position of Calangao, I know that somebody are asking for a reply about his choose, but there is no answer.

When a guy work hardly for what he believe, then he need a moment of relax.

I needed it, he need it now.

Only three words: Thanks You Calangao!

Now, today I work on companies.
Shit situation... really 😛
Today I will set up a new team for welfare and companies (firing and hiring).

It will be a great pleasure if Calangao will accept my request to remain Commander of Theocratic Army.
If not I'm be ready to take again control of THA and wait for new candidates.

To rikwandi: Please change the name of your party to: Theocratic Party.
If you want to leave the party precidency I'm ready to take it.

For now I think it's all.
Info about tomorrow election are described in the article of Dio Maksas: official candidates
It's important.

Working with you, and for you it's the best pleasure ever.

Dio Akira

Silent Leges Inter Arma!