Renewal of NAP between Asgard and Germark

Day 2,358, 02:11 Published in Sweden Norway by Jussi FULL RETARD Jernkuuk

NAP between Asgard and Germark.

Terms of the treaty:

1. Natural Enemy or Declare war laws should not be proposed towards the other parties or should be voted down.

2. Asgard countries shall not start or fight in Danish RW’s

3. The agreement is valid until the 1st day of next month (June 1st). It can be extended and/or the conditions of the agreement can be changed by agreement of both parties.

Negotiations should start at least two days before the NAP expires.

Signed By:

CP of eDenmark - Maine Coon

CP of eGermany - BadMax

CP of eSweden - Jussi PK Jernkuuk

CP of eNorway - Delirium90

CP of eFinland - JNJK92