Referendums and an invitation to j oin the WRP

Day 1,667, 11:30 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George
Say the right things, When electioneering, I trust I can rely on your vote.

Last CP elections saw the eUK politics once again inflicted with vote buying, mud slinging, and the suppression of ideas proposed by new citizen.

I'd like to invite you to join the W o r k e r s' Rights Party. We want as many citizens as possible to have a say in how the country is run. We trust the people tempered by prudence, this separates us from a lot of the other parties of the eUK who dis-trust the people tempered by fear. At the heart of our party is fairness, free-thinking and creativity.


Our party would support the introduction and use of referendums.

By this I mean, while we elect presidents and congress members to make important daily decisions for the country, significant decisions of a national importance should be made by referendums.

For example we could hold a referendum regarding the future of Scotland and Northern Ireland. The eUK government negotiated a peace treaty with eIreland which traded Scotland and North Ireland for Dublin and Louth to obtain peace and a 20% food production bonus from the fruit of Louth. There has been many debates regarding this agreement why not hold a referendum and let the citizens of the eUK decide on this important issue?

The Workers’ Rights Party also stand against;

Election vote buying – This is just wrong, if you buy power, do you really have the best interest of everyone you are elected to represent at heart of what you do? Too many citizens see it as an achievement to "get" rather than the responsibility it should be.

Article vote buying – On principle we don't support this, while it’s legitimate activity I don’t see the benefit to society of paying a bunch of citizens “vote” for an article, which they don't probably read or care about. If it’s worthy enough it’ll get votes required to put it amongst the top articles

Mud slinging – Parties and candidates should focus on their own policies and what they want to achieve in power for the citizens they well represent.

Suppression of “new” ideas by new eUK Citizens - by this I mean just because a citizen is young doesn’t mean their ideas are not valid. This includes ideas which are different from the “establishment”. Let's give all ideas and viewpoints fair thought before judgement.

TB-WRP Recruitment v2 by Huey1337, on Flickr

I hope this article inspires you to join us at the WRP. Together we can make a difference to the society we live in.

Thanks for reading

Huey George
Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Current Party President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Member of the Liberty Military Unit