Politics Sounds Like Fun!

Day 882, 17:11 Published in Canada Canada by Armour144

Oh wait, no it doesn’t.

As a few of you may have been aware, I stopped playing this game a month ago. I just restarted 2 days ago. In just 2 days, the overwhelming number of articles lashing out at politicians and because of politics is just about unbearable.

Honestly, it seems that the entire media of eCanada is focused on the bashing of other people and parties.

Things have gotten so ridiculous that the Deputy PM has resigned and retired from any future political activity, all stemming from one impeachment proposal.

Why was this impeachment proposed? For the lulz. Of course.

How hard is it to imagine a country where ALL the congress that is elected actually decides to do its job and not start flaming others for voicing their opinion. Since when were people not allowed to try and defend what they have a right to defend? Since when was it justified for others to attack this individual, and tell him to just go along with it. Go along with a joke impeachment which could prevent us from replacing our president if it is actually needed.

The bottom line is that our political system seems broken by its own members. I’ve been here for 2 DAYS, and I already find myself pissed off at our politics.

This is a short article. This is not a happy article. Seeing all of this madness just about makes me want to run for congress to stop with the ridiculousness. I don’t see why it’s so hard to just be a responsible congressman, but maybe that’s just too much to ask for a few of our current members.

-A rather frustrated Armour144