Personal Musings on this Presidential Election Day

Day 1,142, 08:15 Published in USA USA by PigInZen

😁^ This guy needs to shave his head.

I realize that I've been quiet lately. That's what happens to me when I get a bit frustrated with things that are beyond my control. ("Things beyond my control" usually refers to other people...) It doesn't help that the holiday season accompanied with its massive amounts of time away from my office instead spent on more productive real life endeavors further reduced my incentive and time to check in on things eRep related. But back to my original point - I can have a thin skin at times and don't like dealing with difficult, rude or insulting people. When I encounter them I usually just drop back and punt and forget about anything related to them for a few days. If I don't I've found in the past that I'm usually flying off the handle about stuff only to later regret it. One man's avoidance is another's zen, I guess.

I finally took some time at the office this morning to read up on the day's news and catch up on a few things eusaforum related. Well, to be honest, I caught up at the eusaforum yesterday but was too overwhelmed with work to post this article or read much in-game news.

I wasn't happy with what I returned to at the forums. I'm also not happy with some of the perceptions I've seen regarding the current presidential election.

More on that in a bit... but first allow me to welcome back an old friend, someone who wore his heart on his sleeve much like I did. Someone with whom I developed a quick bond in-game, someone I've dearly missed for months and someone who fell victim to some brutal politics of a personal sort during his previous time here. Yes I know, I've seen the arguments that he asked for all of it. Regardless, I hate to see people leave the game because others are too damn insensitive to approach others here in eRep as they would in real life.


Now gimme back my 4' bong that I left in the #whitehouse channel...

What I Want in a President

On to the topic at hand. Instead of writing your typical endorsement piece, I'll simply lay out my motivations for voting:

1. I want a president who won't troll US citizens.
2. I want a president who won't come across as arrogant or insulting.
3. I want a president who strives to be inclusive rather than exclusive.
4. I want a president who won't take arguments over policy as personal insults.
5. I want a president who will act with respect and dignity towards others.

Why this emphasis on the personal rather than the less esoteric measure of who might be more "effective?" Because I believe that there are many, many citizens who could be effective presidents. That metric is overused and is actually more subjective depending upon who is doing the measuring. I believe what matters more is not how much shit you've done in game but rather how well you treat others and how your reputation is. That's just how I am, call me an old fart or some sort of "touchy-feely" freak who doesn't understand "internet culture." Whatever, I could not care less.

This election I voted for Haliman. Feel free to read into that as you wish.

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