Operation 'Landlock'

Day 835, 10:25 Published in Greece Greece by Ministry of Foreign Affairs GR
http://img.webme.com/pic/m/megisti/2rdaskg.jpg" width="190" height="236">

"Operation Landlock"

Days 831 and 832 passed rather quiet at the EDEN HQ. Although people were coming and going with papers and maps in their hands, you could hear a pin falling. Noone was talking, everybody was working. At the front offices Atea, the new Assistant Inteligence, and Martinoz, the new Assistant Foreign Affairs, were discussing the gathered data about friends and foes.

http://img.webme.com/pic/m/megisti/battlestar-cic-control_l.jpg" width="400" height="300">

At another office to the right, jbdivinus, the new Assistant Supreme Commander was getting briefed by the Economics Organiser and his Assistant, St00r and Emir Ribic respectively. The operations had to be fully covered logistically and this was vital information. Gabriel Lavanche, the new Foreign Affairs Organiser, was listening carefully to whatever Mihail Cazacu, the new Intelligence boss, had to tell him. They just had to have all the info they could get their hands on to plan the operation as well as possible.

http://img.webme.com/pic/m/megisti/cic-21.jpg" width="362" height="395">

Locked in his office, Avec, the new EDEN Supreme Commander was explaining his plan to dDarky and sukoidha, the new Military Commander and his assistant. They were listening carefully, because those guidelines had to be put on a map, charts ha to be drawn, logistics to be prepared, data to be analyzed. They had to plan everything really carefully and present as many option as possible to the HQ meeting.
By day 833, everything was ready. The HQ was clean as a surgery. Nothing was left outside, nothing that could jeopardize the operations for that day. Everybody was at the sealed EDEN HQ meeting room sitting on their chairs at the oval table, watching in their monitors the pieces of the plan falling into place. Jbdivinus explained the general strategy, dDarky presented the moves and actions before, during and after the operation, questions were answered and everybody was satisfied by the good job done. The time for the "GO" signal was coming and all eyes were on Avec that would give the signal and trigger the plan. He looked at the folder in front of him. "Plan 34857G/K".
"Ehmmm, excuse me" he said. "I thought we decided to come up with a name for this operation instead of all these mumbo jumbo numbers. How will I call it at the Press Conference?"
Everyone froze. It is stupid for a plan to be called "34857G/K", but no one had thought of it until now. No one? Not quite.
"Well, we have a suggestion since the target doesn't have sea borders", a voice heard from the far side of the oval table. It was Sirbeg, the new Assistant Public Relations Organiser. 10 heads turned his way and before anyone else speaks Makedonissa, the new Public Relations Organiser, finished Sirbeg's sentence. "Why don't we call it "Operation Landlock"? No waters around it and it is not the only region in such condition, so Phoenix will get confused? he said.
Avec seemed satisfied with the name and made sure that the Military commanders will pass it on to all units waiting eagerly. And especially Ines Schumacher, the South African General that would start the Resistance War for her country. Everybody agreed that everything was ready and went to rest a little before the big battle.
Day 833, 23.00 eRepublik time. Everyone was back in their seats, some smoking, some drinking coffee, other whispering in the ear of the guy next to them. Avec came in. He sat in his chair and run a last check in the computer screen in front of him.
"Everything is ready. We can start now" he thought. He looked at the rest of the HQ. "Operation landlock is a GO" and pushed the red button. Ines Schumacher started the Resistance War in Gauteng, Brazil (originally S.Africa).

http://img.webme.com/pic/m/megisti/safrica1.jpg" width="760" height="331">
Gauteng, "Operation Landlock" objective

At the same time Allen Webster, S.African Field Marshall was starting another Resistance War at Llanos, Brazil (originally Venezuela). And a few minutes later, he started the Resistance War in Central Western Venezuela, Brazil and then at North Eastern Venezuela and then at Venezuelan Andean. Five Resistance Wars against Brazil. It was obvious that the target was Gauteng. The only high region of them five and the one region at the top of the EDEN list for liberation.

http://img.webme.com/pic/m/megisti/brazil1.jpg" width="760" height="331">
Brazil and Venezuela before the EDEN initiative

The Brazilian Press went crazy. Five simultaneous wars, controversial battle orders, lack of communications between the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Press and the President in Brazil. Their allies run to help, but without orders they prefer to split the damage and try and save as many regions as possible. They know that the target is Gauteng, but they have to send troops to defend the other areas also. They couldn't estimate how many troops they would need for the high diamond region to be secured so they had to keep some reserves for later. Gauteng was strong though. People from all over the world had to come here to fight and help the S.Africans free their lands. USA, Poland, Croatia, Spain, Romania, Bosnia, Greece, all of EDEN and many more rushed in the African lands to liberate Gauteng. And they were all needed as it appeared at the end of the battle.

Damage done by the EDEN allies: 3,637,210. Damage done by Phoenix: 3,139,526

The allies were victorious. Gauteng, after so long time was free again and in the hands of its rightful owners.

http://img.webme.com/pic/m/megisti/safrica2.jpg" width="760" height="331">
Gauteng is free. Now Western Cape?

But at the same time, Llanos, Central Western Venezuela, North Eastern Venezuela were also set free. The Phoenix troops exhausted by the effort to keep control of the Gauteng region, couldn't fight anymore for the Venezuelan regions of Brazil and with relatively small damage done, they all fell to the hands of the Resistance, liberating all but one Venezuelan regions. Venezuelan Andean is still under occupation, but its time is near.

http://img.webme.com/pic/m/megisti/brazil2.jpg" width="760" height="331">
Brazil and Venezuela after the EDEN initiative

At the EDEN HQ twelve people were excited, congratulating each other and informing their troops about the victories. The C-130's were getting loaded with happy troops going back home. They made a promise right there, just before take off.
"We will meet again soon. In the middle of the next battle, when you look to your left and to your right, you will only see friends and brothers".