Open Petition to Admins. ROLLBACK THE GOLD

Day 425, 11:21 Published in USA Pakistan by Chisholm

Dear Admins and eCitizens alike,

It may not be very known yet, but the gold system and currency throughout the eWorld is royally screwed. There are players with more gold and money than most governments, people exploiting bugs to get thousands upon thousands of gold for themselves.

Here is on example

There is so much fraud on the gold system that it affects all other aspects of the game, it funds the endless tanks changing the outcomes of wars, and makes it generally unfair and un-fun to all those players that play the game with honesty.

Another example:

This blatant bending of the game needs to stop for the sake of eRepublik and it's citizens that actually try to play the game correctly.

Exhibit C:

Vote this up if you promote the honest playing of the game and and hurt to see the eWorld killed by such cheating that kills it for those who actually play.

Comment to sign the petition 😉