Open message for the admins!!!

Day 1,002, 11:20 Published in Romania Nigeria by Iosy DeadMan

Na' Seara domnelor, domnisoarelor si domnilor!!!

Imi cer scuze daca subiectul din aceasta seara nu este pe placul dumneavoastra, dar eu unul, m-am saturat sa fiu calcat in picioare de unii cu doua clase mai multe ca trenu'.


Dear admins, I ask you to solve as fast as you can the problem with eRomanian MPP's against eHungary...
We all know that it was a hack attack and the eRomanian president took advantage of the situation and attacked them. that was something that any other president would have done in his place. Don't f**k eRomania or someone's mistake... Do not f**k with our patience... Please finish this nightmare, before it's to late.

I speak in my name and in everybody's who gives away their time to play your stupid game (cos that's what it is, a game... don't forget)

Thank you for reading this.

Vote and shout for world wide broadcast!!!

PS: Sorry for my bad english!