One-On-One Exclusive Interview with Anthony(Part 1)

Day 3,100, 18:36 Published in Armenia Iran by Anthony Buchanan

The Examiner: Its 9:35 pm in eUSA and its 6:35 am in eArmenia and welcome to the special one-on-one interview with Anthony. You guys may have heard of him as the leader of ALP but he's recently on the news very lately because 2 weeks ago, the AFP started to accused him and ALP of being fake. So we will talk to him right now.

The Examiner: Good Evening, Mr.Anthony, How are you feeling today and how are you feeling now after weeks of controversies surrounding you and the ALP?

Anthony: Hello Guys, Im feeling very comfortable today and for the ongoing fake party scandal, im feeling not happy and very concerned about this.

The Examiner: Well, Anthony. That leads to this!

The Examiner: So as you can see, the AFP started to accused you and your party of being fake and failing to serve the interests of eArmenia. We have realized that the AFP is trying to attack you and your party again so can you tell us about it?

Anthony: Well, I have to admit that I admire the AFP so much because they have done so much to us since our country first founded on eRepublik and a few years ago. However, When I first being involved in politics, I was feeling a bit concerned until I took over as leader of the old AKH party and my mission for the party is to serve eArmenians and minorities living in eArmenia alike. Because of that, we have gained some support from generous eArmenians who are willing to join my party so that me and my team can make progress here in eArmenia and to make dreams and progress for future generations. Over the past few months, we have gained much momentum as we try to become a major player in eArmenian politics by gaining 7%-36%(combined) of the total nationwide vote. We were happy at first because we knew that this is a major success for the ALP and that we were planning to continue the success next month. However, since the AFP started to accuse us of being a fake political party, that makes the ALP very harder to achieve but we aren't going backwards, we are moving forwards as 1 team, 1 goal and 1 nation.

The Examiner: Alright, can you tell us about your background since many eArmenians are quite concerned about his citizenship and ethnicity?

Anthony: Well, I was born in eUSA. When I first joined eRepublik, I felt like a different person in eUSA because nobody in eUSA didn't know me until when I moved to eArmenia last year, I started to become stronger and stronger and I worked my butt off to start a company which specializes in producing food and it was a sweet success for me. My ethnicity is African-American actually Jamaican and my biggest concern here in eArmenia and across the world is racism because it doesn't help our country at all and back in the day, we used to be segregated until we were intergrated with the whites. Sadly, racism still exists in Europe and some parts of Asia. Still, Racism is mostly gone in North and South America. For minorities, I will very pleased to address this as part of my bid for President of eArmenia.

The Examiner: Ok. Could you tell us about your party?

Anthony: Sure, My party which is the ALP(Armenian Labour Party), is a social democratic party that will fight to restore eArmenia and make progress for the future. The ALP was first founded as the AKH party which was founded by the Azerbaijanis who were trying to gain more rights in eArmenia and for me, I wanted to join them but I did join and soon I became the party's last leader until I first rebrand the party as the Labour Party of Armenia and at first, we struggled to become a major player in eArmenian politics until last month, when God had given me the courage to give me and my party 17 votes in the presidential elections. I still have to praise God for that mighty miracle. Our party's mission is to serve every eArmenian and every minority living in eArmenia with freedom, respect, liberty, equal and justice for all. Remember, We are still making eArmenia Stronger, Safer and Secured for the Future!

The Examiner: Ok. What's your biggest fear of the AFP? eArmenians want to know the whole truth right away!

Anthony: Well my biggest fear of the AFP is that they might try to win again next month because they have the strong knowledge as we do to win every type of elections. And that makes my party and the other major political parties in eArmenia feel more concerned about this.

The Examiner: Ok, Ok! What about your party(ALP)

Anthony: Well, that's a very strong one!! Well, my biggest fear is that we might have to shut down our party for a couple of months if the AFP continues to silence and outsmart us and the other major parties in eArmenia who are struggled to get their voices be heard. We don't want that to happen, all we have to do is to, STOP THEM COMPLETELY FOR NOW!!! So that this will help us to tell the truth about them!

The Examiner: Well, we are out of time now but we will come back for the second part. Sounds Ok!

Anthony: OK. I will talk tomorrow!

The Examiner: Well from all of us here at the Examiner, we say thank you for listening to the interview with the ALP's leader, Anthony. We hope that this interview will be very informative to eArmenians during next month's presidential elections. However, He will continue to talk tomorrow so don't miss it! For now, Have yourselves a great night and a good day! More from him tomorrow!!