One hour ago

Day 894, 12:32 Published in Romania USA by Ruminantus


Southern Great Plain was conquered by Croatia in the war versus Hungary
- 16 minutes ago
Croatia attacked Northern Great Plain, Hungary
- 8 minutes ago
Central Hungary was secured by Hungary in the war versus Croatia
- 7 minutes ago
Western Transdanubia was conquered by Poland in the war versus Hungary
- 6 minutes ago
Southern Transdanubia was conquered by Croatia in the war versus Hungary
- 5 minutes ago
Northern Great Plain was conquered by Croatia in the war versus Hungary
- 4 minutes ago
Croatia attacked Central Hungary, Hungary X3 🙂
- Who knows how many minutes ago...

Poland attacked Central Hungary, Hungary
- 8 minutes ago

~ original article ~
One hour ago = the perfect time for the show to begin.

Croatia attacked Central Hungary, Hungary - one hour ago
Poland attacked Western Transdanubia, Hungary - one hour ago
Croatia attacked Southern Great Plain, Hungary - one hour ago
Romania attacked Northern Great Plain, Hungary - one hour ago
Romania attacked Southern Great Plain, Hungary - one hour ago

See you in 23h!

PS: Hungary signed an alliance with Bosnia and Herzegovina ... one hour ago
(they missed becoming the 18th HU MPP in these fights by minutes)