Once Again Seeking Party Leadership

Day 323, 18:54 Published in Canada Canada by Tantis

For those few new members who do not new me. My name is Tantis and I started in May. When I started I was a member of CSD under Cottus Arci. And when I disagreed with most of their platform I left to Norsefire (Now CPF), and found my self a family and many friends. After constantly watching Mr. Sutler and many others, I continually placed my hand deeper and deeper into politics. In August I found myself leading Norsefire (CPF). During the first two weeks we got much down. And then I went in-active, coming back only a few days before general elections. Taking alot of votes but losing the elections to former President/Prime Minister, Cottus Arci. Now under the leadership of Banach we are seeing a new government and a strong one, but what would this government have been like under my leadership? I would say great, but that is for the citizens to decide. After days of waiting and helping the party get to what it is now, The Canadian Progressive Front, I am putting my name in yet again for Party Leadership, and hoping to get a second chance. To see what I plan to bring to the party if elected, please register on our forums and check it out.

Tantis - Candidate for CPF Party Leadership October 10, 2008