Omnia Vincit Amor

Day 1,399, 07:06 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors


I know there are more than a few people that are surprised at the fact that I have written again. It was barely a month ago that goodbyes were exchanged and eRepublik's favorite hippie disappeared into the afterlife. The good times... the bad times... the fun and the headaches... all became memories as I entered my tomb. And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make.

I love the New World, even the people who make it unbearable. Even the ever-changing Plato, who changes how we function here on a whim. Even Ajay Bruno and Pfeiffer, who multi themselves in order to get ahead. I love each and every one of you and the eUSA is truly my home. Omnia Vincit Amor.

What lies ahead for the Undead Hippie? Will he try to take over the USWP and make it rest in peace? Will he strive to become the first undead potsmoking hippie to become POTUS? Will he finally tell us that the Walrus is Paul?

Who knows? No one really cares anyway. I have joined a new military unit... Hell Jumpers (fitting, I know... it was fate, I am sure) and a new political party, the Federalist Party and I have made my intentions of running for Congress clear. I am interested in the offer from eUS Secretary of Media Gnilraps to become the DoPE (Director of Pony Express), and hopefully will once again be bringing you news that is fit to be read. And, as always, I will continue to post news, and other links to my facebook page. And I will continue to always place the good of the eUSA before my own personal gains and/or glory.

Omnia Vincit Amor. Even death.

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