Official Newbie Guide for all new eIndian Players :D

Day 818, 08:14 Published in India India by Internal Affairs India

Our friend NagaPrathyush/Trojan has let me use his amazing newbie guide to help our new eIndians get up and moving 🙂
Author's Foreword : This article was intended to reduce the death rate in India by helping the newbies understand the game a lil better in the shortest time possible so that one day India can regain all its regions back from the hands of its oppressors. Please read on, if u do care and u are one of those very few who can't see India losing in Real or Virtual World. If u don't have time for this lengthy article, just refer the quick tips at the end of the article.">
Though the above image suggests u to vote and subscribe, I wouldn't ask you to do so. Its only rightful to ask for your votes which is in favor of India.


NOTE : Without these u may fail bitterly or shud i say u fail India bitterly ?!?">
* Wellness can be seen as the health of your character. When your wellness becomes 0, your character dies and the next time you try to log into your account, you will be informed about this and you have the opportunity to continue your life in eRepublik using the Revive button. Reviving enables you to regain your eLife, though with a wellness of just 10.
* Wellness is what keeps u alive. Basically, your productivity at work, damage inflicted in battles and all depend on your wellness.
*Wellnes of your character is found to be 50, when u are just born. Every time u train to gain strength u lose 1 wellness. Every time u work in a company, u lose wellness depending upon the quality(indicated by the number of stars) of the company. Suppose you are working in a quality two company, every time you work u lose 2 wellness and so on.

There are three different professions or skills:
* Weapons/food/gifts/moving tickets - manufacturing skill
* Grain/wood/oil/iron - land skill
* Housing/defencesystems/hospitals - constructions skill
~ When you chose a profession and works, you will improve your skill in that profession.
~ The higher your skill gets, the higher salary you can get. Salary also depends on your wellness at times, so try to keep your wellness as high as possible.

Is a skill of its own and can only improve by training.
Strength in combination with your wellness, what weapon (if any) you use and your military rank will decide how much damage you can do in a fight.

~Effects of Fighting
A .The citizen loses 10 wellness points for joining the fight
B. The citizen receives 2 XP
C. For each fight if a soldier has a weapon in his inventory, it will be used in that fight (the weapon with the highest quality level will be used first). That weapon will be erased from the soldier's inventory after the fight.
D. The damage is calculated and added to the citizen's total damage points inflicted.
If u know how to fight and heal back well and good… if not please contact us, rightaway. We are here to serve u better.

Main article:
As a newbie, u might be wondering what this game has to offer you(newbie). If u ask me the same question, the most likely answer u might get is "Nothing" at the moment. This is the fact and you got to accept it, no matter what!!!

Trust me guys, you can do nothing at the stage you are in. You can compare yourself to what India is in this game and take India to the next level we need guys like u to play this game.

Wiki provides tons of info as of what a newbie should be doing during the early days of his life. As a newbie, even I felt like who would read all that crap to play a bacha browser game. Lets break it down to a 10 minute, 2 clicker game to start with.

Your first week in the new world:">
=>Day 1
You can easily receive 3 experience points every day with just a few clicks ie., few minutes.
~Just upload your first avatar to gain 2xp.
~Find your first job here and work (5+1 xp).
While choosing a job, act wisely so that the company offers u more at a lesser wellness decrement. If u go for a job in the five starred company or a quality 5 company, u lose 5wellness per day. It’s up to the citizen’s discretion, though I would ask you to prefer a low quality company to a high quality one even if it pays less.
~ Buy your first food here(gives 1xp)

You are now level 2 now
From now on, u can train once a day, just follow the advice from good old Plato.
So the basic things you should do every day is to train and work for your company.
~ Train (gives 2xp)

You are now level 3
~ At level 3 you can change your residence (you need a moving ticket in your inventory, which can be purchased at the market place

=>Day 2-5
You are now lvl 4
Not much you can do and maybe you'll get bored, but don't give up !!! Just hang in there for a few more days. Don’t forget to buy food from the market everyday so that your wellness is always above 40.
~Keep on training and working so that u can reach level 5 asap. Level 5 enables u to serve your nation as a soldier.
~ You can invite your friends to join the New World !!!

=>Day 6
You are now level 5
~There you are, just click the image now and see what u have become.">
~You will be able to access the "Fight" button only if
A. Your country is directly or indirectly(country's ally being attacked) in a war.
B. Your strength is greater than 0
C. Your wellness is greater or equal to 40
D. You have at least 25 EP or if you had bought an "Unlock Features" pack. (Note that unlock features pack just unlocks the features, but it doesn’t increase your xp however)
E. You need a resident of Orissaor[url=ahref=]Maharashtra[/url].

If u are living in any other states, please move by purchasing a moving ticket at the market place
contact InternalAffairsIndia for a moving ticket if u think u can wait for a little longer. Just send us a message and we will be there asap. Remember that u have the right to inquire the reasons for delay incase the response time is more than an allowed maximum of 24hours. If u donno how to change your residence, please take alook at the screenshots I have created.">
List of citizen mentors
Message the Internal Affairs or any of these below mentioned citizens to guide you through. However I strongly suggest that u message the Internal affairs so that the work load can be equally shared among us.

Nikkk S
Rahul K
Akash Verma


1. How to gain wellness
ans: Just buy food from the market. The higher the quality of food, the higher wellness u gain. Apart from food, there are other ways of gaining wellness too.

2.How to make my citizen eat ?
ans: You dont have have to spoon feed your citizen. Your citizen character will automatically consume one entity of the highest quality food everyday at 00:00 erepublik server time.Just keep on buying 1 quantity of food everyday so that he wont starve to death.

3.Why should I fight ?
Every time u fight i lose 10 wellness 🙁 and remember that the same means an increase in your xp by 2 and the ascent of military rank as well. Also when u fight atleast once per day, u can heal at Orissa or Maharashtra hospital to gain 50 wellness for free.

4.How to fight and heal back ?
ans: Am writing an article now. This content will b replaced by article link soon 🙂

5.What is currency?
ans: currency is a unit of exchange, basically money. Gold is the universal currency in eRepublik which means that you can use Gold in every nation unlike local currencies(India-inr, America-USD,Indonesia-IDR and so on). These local currencies can only be used in certain country.

6.How to gather currency?
* Have it donated to you by someone else who has that currency.
* Work in another country and receive it as salary (Example: Work in a company in USA and get USD as salary)
* Exchange Gold or another currency for it at the monetary market.

Quick Tips for newbies

*Try to keep the wellness as high as possible.
* Work in Q1 companies, if u think your wellness is in danger.
* If at all needed (ie., if your wellness is too low) don’t train for a couple of days so your wellness can increase.
*Contact Internal affairs, if u need wellness.

Thanks for reading this long and boring article. I am planning to publish this article frequent enough so that all newbies can read, understand India's plight and may be one day we can become a super power too 😃
If u have anymore questions please comment below. Thanks again🙂