North America: The New Weapon of Mass Destruction

Day 996, 19:50 Published in Canada Canada by Armour144

There was once a time where great armies ruled this e-world. There was once a time where the most powerful tanks could be the downfall of an entire region. Not anymore it isn’t. What is the new secret weapon?


Those who have the power to control such a beast can use it to their great advantage by hitting an enemy when they are at home, all tucked in by mommy, and fast asleep. After all, is there a better way to take what you want than when they are sleeping?

It has been the leading factor to Canada spearheading a charge into Scotland, Northern Ireland, and even North East of England against the UK and 7 allies. Among those allies are countries such as Serbia, Hungary, France, and Germany. The manpower of just Serbia or Hungary alone would be more than enough to spank us back to Newfoundland, but conveniently enough, they’re all having sweet dreams like their British friends.

For example, if it is 10 pm in Canada (which is when the battles have been largely decided), it is 4 am in Hungary and 3 am in England.

Of course there are still a few determined tanks who stay up past their bedtimes and try to inflict as much damage as they can, but that is an effort that tends to fail when hundreds of Canadians chase after you.

Some of them decide to plant their units in the capital city and hope it lasts until the next morning.
That tactic sure didn’t work in NE England, as in 1 turn the Canadian armies smashed a 72 man garrison down to just 10, when we only had 27 units on the entire battlefield.

It would seem that the only hope of actually defending yourself is launching the attack at a prime time for your own nation. This, of course, doesn’t give you much of an advantage though if your opponent is from the same time zone as you, which is the basic situation in Europe. Luckily for us, far across the Atlantic in North America, we only share time zones with the US, and the South American countries.

That suddenly makes Canada and the US very powerful weapons. We suddenly enjoy a luxury of night attacks that the all of Europe can’t do.

We’re a hell of a lot more powerful than in V1. All because of time.

Although Phoenix does have countries such as Brazil and Argentina on its side in South America, they fail to match the power that the US can exert.

So what does this mean for EDEN and the Brolliance? Well, perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to utilize this gaping advantage that has developed by using the US as a way to launch attacks throughout Europe.

Of course if another country manages to launch attacks on the US and break their ability to press the big red button when they want, then the US essentially becomes useless. But if that is avoided, and we keep the initiative, the US could powerhouse their way through ridiculous odds, like what Canada has just shown against the UK and her 7 allies.

We also have another bonus for being well away from Europe. Nobody can do “sneak attacks” on us. As long as we hold on to our European allies, they can’t take us down while we sleep, because the field would be filled with Croatians, Romanians, and just about any other European EDEN nation.

So for those in North America hating on the Military Module, you should actually be thanking it, because it just gave us a lot of power.
