No Guts, No Glory - the Innards of the Canadian Progressive Front

Day 1,796, 16:22 Published in Canada Canada by Auk Rest
Funky's latest article has certainly gotten me thinking about the CPF, what has happened and what future may await us. This is essentially a commentary on Funky's article with some thoughts of my own.

Funky is right on the point that the CPF's focus has been lost. I am not saying the Party is doomed or that what happened can be attributed to any one item. CPF used to have many opinions, many voices and many stances, but they all ultimately reflected the Tenets and a general idea of accountability in the eCanada forum. Now, more or less, we are a party obsessed with democratic consensus on every issue to vote en masse on said consensus whenever it should arise.

A cloud seems to have risen on our past, and some may have forgotten what the Party stands for, no matter what the Tenets may say.

But what can be done? Quite frankly it all boils down to participation. In the largest party in eCanada you wouldn't expect a Party to have so few leaders or voices calling the shots, or even people willing to make those decisions. I'm not calling out anyone in particular, and there are still quite a few great individuals in the CPF, but as a % of the party's population, it is disappointing.

The participation is evident in any of the CPF Moose Calls. Moose Call I is generally fairly active for a time, and the others also have activity occasionally, but then these can go days without any discussion. My numerous attempts to get people on our forums has resulted in just a few individuals even signing up, let alone actually posting anything.

You could argue that's just a result of some of the anti-forum/anti-irc business that some in the party hold, but if that's the case, then why are the in-game Moose Calls used only intermittently and the Feed dominated by the same ten people?

I'm not saying the Party is broken. I'm not saying the Party will be broken or head into decline even in the near future, but I am saying if no one does anything to stop this lack of opinion and take a stand on some matter, one day, we will.

Unlike Funky however, I don't believe in completely being rigid to the Tenets or go it alone without the support of any other Party, but there are times in which individuals should take a stand on principle. I feel very good about the relationship I've fostered with Clan Wolf, however we may be friends and political allies, but that doesn't mean we're the same thing and stand for everything the exact same. If we were, then we would already be together in the same Party. But we are not.

It’s time for the CPF to stand up and get back to driving on a straight, clear path, because we cannot stumble about without a cause forever.
