New Survey, New Survey Engine

Day 1,567, 08:59 Published in Canada Canada by Alias Vision

In the comments following the analysis of the last set of polling data, a couple of important points were brought up. The first was expressed as interest/desire to have Government funding granted to me to continue doing the work I've been doing. The second point was the security level of the data collected, or how easy it was to manipulate the results.


I would have accepted, would still accept, Government funding. I believe these polls to be worthwhile community activities. That being said, I do not need Government funding because some members of this community are extremely generous. Along with what I'm able to add to the pot myself, the reserves are high enough to see me through a few months of questions. I have now tricked myself into being a contributing member for the foreseeable future as I now believe I owe the people sponsoring me to continue doing a good job. Thank you for the confidence and support.

As to the security of the polls and how easy it could be to manipulate the data... crisfire freely admitted to duplicating one entry just to see if it would be caught/how easy it would be. Look, I don't have professional tools to do this. I invest my time and offer integrity and confidentiality during the process. What I ask in return is the same level of integrity. If you are determined, you can manipulate the results. I can and do catch some attempts but I'm not so new that I don't see how easy it can be. I've talked privately with a couple people about alternatives, we'll see where that leads. If your main concern is that people's enthusiasm may lead to use these polls as justification for policy based on flawed data... well we can educate the readers as to the limitations and make sure we see the analysis for what it is, snapshots of people's opinion and not binding arguments. For the record, at this point in time I think the level of manipulation of the data is very small.


I'm trying a different survey template. Not quite as pretty in my opinion but it will give me a few additional options.

So now, hoping to capitalize on higher activity levels of election day, ready for your participation is survey number 7. Please take a minute to answer.


Thank you.