My Platform for October

Day 699, 19:09 Published in USA USA by yono

New Hamshire the place of the future!

A little about me

Im a liberal Democrat and I will do only what is best for the people and I will ask your opinion on the major decisions.

My positions

I believe government should and MUST be transparent. You have every right to know what is going on.

The war war is quieting down so I say we need lower taxes.

Foreign Policy
We need friends ,we need allies, look at how much Canada and Spain has helped us. They are truly our closest allies, yet we must try to make new partnerships.

War Games
We need to improve our war training games. we need to start programs to get citizens to be the best soldiers they can be.

We need to fund our military, give them the best equipment and weapons. train so that ALL our soldiers are super soldiers.

The economy
We need to start programs so that our economy is the BEST in the world even during war time. Thats why ill work with the congress to start a group of goverment owned companies
so that we will ALWAYS have resources and we`ll keep PEACE out of our markets.

In closing Please vote for me. Also vote for my former CoS mvin902, he`ll do better for Montana!