My House Is My Fortress

Day 542, 14:12 Published in Argentina Hungary by Mikrobi

IRL everyone would like to have a house. It's the same in this game. I can remember, how I waited for my first house! Till then I had to buy more expensive food, sometimes gifts and I couldn't dare to work in a high Q company. Of course, I couldn't make more money.

There are house companies in Argentina, too. But they usually don't produce anything. I'm enthusiastic enough to run my company with competitive wages and competitive prices. Look at my company both at the job market and the house market!

Buying a house is more than a simple purchase: it's an investment! A house doesn't eat, is amortized, it keeps its worth. You can sell it anytime, but while you have it, it makes your life cheaper. Buy a q2 house from Salta House!