My first 100 days

Day 710, 23:15 Published in USA USA by yono

Ive accomplished a bit in my first 100, already withinn my party and other party`s I have a small yet still important base of support, Ive had a total 8 different runs for congress (meaning 8 seperate states), a unsuccessful run for the presidency which is how I got my base. I am now eUS ambassador to Argentina ( by the way nothing is happening!) so I have accomplished some ( gotta read between the lines to find the success in this article). So some success overall but I think we can all agree I can do better! Moving on....
.........for my presidential pick I SUPPORT NOT ENDORSE ( would be the kiss of death) Frost/Woxan fro President and Vice President. Im sure they willl do a great job! Actuallly this is my 101th day yesterday was 100.

People im glad to have met( just a short list):

Astra Kat G: She is truely the heart & soul of the Congress and even though she mocked me during my presidential run I am proud and honored to know her, in the words of the vulcan I am and shall always be your friend Astra.

Chris stanwick: the 1 term australian Congressman, when i met him it was a great day, I supported him for his run for the presidency(even if I did critisize some of his policys), though if he`d won I couldve been his Secretary of State( well I was in the running atleast), you can ask him if you want. But the reason I brought him up is I believe he`s doing a GREAT job in Australia! Keep it up Chris!

Clair Littleton: My running mate, my friend and former speaker of the house, live long and prosper my friend!

These are just some of the people im glad to know!