My 1st forfeit point ^^

Day 1,440, 06:48 Published in Austria Belarus by ValdemarButor

Good day, eAustria!

As some of you could already have noticed, the Military analysis news block of eAustria is empty. (The one I trolled eLatvia in)

No, I haven't deleted it myself.

You did 🙂

Unfortunately, I've regained connection to the Internets just some hours ago and couldn't read all the comments. Pity, but tasty troll food was lost forever.

Additionally, there were some questions.

No, I'm not an idiot.

No, I do not like Stalin (27,5 millions of victims within Soviet citizens during his industrialisation; damn, he was a finished badass)

No, you do not have to be annoyed of it.

Yes, I'm a troll. Fat troll, fail troll, whatever troll.

Yes, I consider half eLatvians *censored* (invent something, start from the letter 'D') for some reason. Anyway, I like eLithuanians and eEstonians - they're really good players, everyone should be friends with them.

Dear active community of eAustria!

If you think this could become a barrier to eAustria's integration into O*E alliance, I'll stop this, of course. Anyway, I'm responsible for that.
But anyway too, I'll continue doing this using other methods.

Dear eLatvians!

My every forfeit point will cost you 25 new real citizens in eLatvia hired (maybe from the students of my faculty) just with one purpose - make a PTO of your contry. 'Cause just eBelarussian PTO group fails these days. Good luck 🙂

Dear Admins!

I know that noone of you will read this.
But you really made me laugh.
Deleting more "politically corect" article, than the previous one.
eLatvian butthurt delivers, for sure :3

Hail Austria. Hail press freedom. Hail black propaganda.

Yes, we can