More Members Needed- Canada's RW Starter Team

Day 2,607, 15:42 Published in Canada Canada by Exalted Druid

32/55 members. Need 23 more needed.

It’s time to sign up for the RW Starter Team!

Your country needs you!

So far I have had 32 members sign up and I want a minimum of 55 members. 23 more to go.

Let’s get serious about causing our enemies pain, Canada.

Remember joining as “B” member means all you have to do is be available to support when required. We will give you the money up front. Do not support on your own and expect reimbursement.

“B” members, if you win the RW you will win 5 gold rewards. All we ask is that you use this money to start the next RW you are available for. You get a nice trophy in your case and we get your services again. This is an honour system as you are trusted member of the community working for the greater good of our nation.

The Team Structure:

Divided into 2 groups “A” and “B”.

“A” Members are people with money who are willing pay and support RW’s.

“B” Members who are willing to support but need the money to be able.

The idea is, when “A” members are put into the penalty box for 7 days when an RW fails we can use a “B” member to get the job done.

Edit: The maximum an "A" member could possibly pay is 1000 cc Per week and it should in all likelihood be less. If the RW wins you get the money back. If it loses you're in the penalty box for a week so there is no possible way it could cost more.

How to Join:

Friend me in game, if you have not already done so and PM me telling me which group you want to be in, “A” or “B”

I am creating a new list so please join again even if you were on the previous team.

Remember Everyone:

Don't start random RW's on your own unless asked by government or team members. Stupid, ill timed RW's keep countries wiped.

Yours Respectfully,

Exalted Druid.