Mordakai8: Congressman - eCanadian Department of Education

Day 1,649, 16:07 Published in Canada Canada by MCMXCIlI

Greetings fellow eCanucks.

Today, I awoke to the news that I had won a seat in Congress. Finally, my political career is taking off. I wish to thank each and every one of the 13 people who voted for me, as well as everyone who voted at all. Voters are a dying breed, as many citizens feel as though it is a waste of time. I'm glad that there are still some people out there who vote.

As I said in my platform, "Many promises made today can become impossible to keep due to the unforeseen circumstances of tomorrow." One of many promises I intend to keep is the creation of the eCanadian Department of Education.

(Logo subject to change depending on public criticism)

(Alternative Logo)

What does everyone think of the logo? It was a quick draft up that I did today, and I want the public's opinion on it. Any criticism is not only welcome, it is expected. By early June, I plan on having the eCDoE up and running. Until then, I will post progress updates regularly outlining where the project is at.

Thanks again eCanada 🙂