Minister of Internal Affairs - UPDATES

Day 841, 12:35 Published in India India by Internal Affairs India
Important Articles

Indian Armed Forces Official Orders
Beginners guide to Erepublik
Business guide for beginners
How to import raw materials
Beginners guide to Congress

Updated Report

As Minister of Internal Affairs I felt it was important to sort out the 'in-house' problems before I move onto other issues and so finally after 4 days I am pleased to announce that for the last 48 hours the Internal Affairs India organization and subsequent seven companies have all been restructured to work much more efficently.

1) 200+ inactive players have been removed from employment.
2) All current employees have had their wages updated to the correct market value.
3) Hundreds of jobs have been listed in all sectors for all skills at a competitive rate of x1.25 inr per skill.
4) We have set a monopoly on the Skill 0 job market so that all new players join the IAI Government companies ensuring that we can contact, monitor and aid all new eIndians in their early stages of playing.
5) We have addressed the short fall in 'Land Workers' by ensuring a high percentage of our new players join the land sector to ensure that in the future we should have enough skilled workers to satisfy company demand.

Now that I feel internally we are running at a high level of efficency I plan to work on the next stage of our development plan and that is to assign a team of mentors who will ensure that every new eIndian is contacted in person and offered the help and advice they need to understand the game and then finally provide gifting, food and tickets to the people who require our aid.

If you are interested in helping me to contact new players on a daily basis please send me an in game message and I will get back to you ASAP but I anticipate that the work load should be no more than 10 minutes per day, thank you!

For now I will leave this update at the above but I do have another article I wish to publish shorty regarding the PTO multiple accounts which I am sure you all will agree will be an interesting read.

David Forde
Minister of Internal Affairs