Message to Admin: Review of updates in 2009

Day 789, 09:18 Published in Croatia Croatia by andycro

Dear citizens of the New World!

This article is a part of trilogy dedicated to Admin work in the New World. To get their attention, I have to ask you that you vote this article and all the articles of this trilogy. Thank you in advance.

The whole trilogy:
MESSAGE TO ADMINS: Add new countries
MESSAGE TO ADMINS: Communication in the New World
MESSAGE TO ADMINS: Review of 2009 updates

So lets start with this message about review of 2009 updates. I have to say that a lot of changes happened during the year, so lets start from the beginning.

In January, an article named Plans for the first half of 2009 was published. It had several points of what will be improved in this first half, so lets see what our Admins were planning to ad😛

- Improving the experience of citizens. See visual improvements below.
- New citizen laws. Implemented on several occasions.
- Visual improvements. They have done several different things during the whole year, and these will continue in 2010. This is so called "a never ending project".
- Tools for general managers. Implemented in August/September 2009
- API system. More infromation can be found here. Quote from July: "The eRepublik API system will be improved throughout the entire year, with many features coming soon."
- Translation in other languages. When the deadline was ringing (June 2009) first internation version (Spanish) was introduced to the community. Other languages were implemented in the second part of the 2009. Additional 4 languages were added in october 2009
- Moderator module. This has been implemented, but unfortunately I didn't find an article which explains what is it. 🙁
- A cool eRepublik map. Implemented in June 2009, improved in August 2009.
- Citizen ads. Implemented in July 2009.
- eRepublik shop. Implemented in March 2009.
- Add new countries. 15 new countries have been added in 2009, and the last of them were added in June 2009, so in fact in the last 6 months, no new countries have been added. The strangest thing was Taiwan, which was supposed to be added in February, but unfortunately it was never added.
- War improvements. Corrected on several occasions.
- Customization. See visual improvements above.
- Newsletters. Was this implemented? I didn't find any relevant data about it. 🙁
- Adviser system. Adviser Plato was implemented
- Poll system. Unfortunately NEVER added. These could improve the eRepublik community in many ways, either by writing referendums for some things that could be interesting to designers, or which required a fast feedback from the community. I hope that this will be implemented in 2010.
- A new way to add improvements. Quote: "Starting February the changes will be uploaded only once a month and announced at least a few days before hand." Hmm... Maybe not once a month, but once every 3 months... 😒

In June 2009 some unannounced modification have been made including:
-Invitations Tracking
-Ambassador Achievement
-eRepublik video Tutorial - Viewable here.
-Ticketing System
-Small changes to the Wars List, President Impeachment, Resign from work and Alliances duration.

In November really unexpected changes have been made - National Goals - motivation for everybody and eRepublik chat module become alive!!!

In December Personal Trainers were added, including Lana - the first sexy female adviser.