Message to Admin: Communication between Admins and Citizens

Day 789, 09:20 Published in Serbia Croatia by andycro

Dear citizens of the New World!

This article is a part of trilogy dedicated to Admin work in the New World. To get their attention, I have to ask you that you vote this article and all the articles of this trilogy. Thank you in advance.

The whole trilogy:
MESSAGE TO ADMINS: Add new countries
MESSAGE TO ADMINS: Communication in the New World
MESSAGE TO ADMINS: Review of 2009 updates

So lets start with this message concerning the communication. As all citizens know, there are several methods of communication in the New World which are all accessible to all citizens, but in this article I will focus on communication between Admins and Citizens. So lets view which types of communication between citizens and admins exist:


As everyone know, newspapers can be established by citizens to write different eStories and articles about New World. The most important newspaper when we are talking about communication between Admins and Citizen is the
eRepublik Insider.

In average, Insider publishes around 7 articles per month in which they include updates, community information, wiki information and other data with relevant information for/about citizens (with exception of an article that is published on April 1, but you can guess why...).

This is the best one-way (Admins talk to the citizens, not with them) communication between Admins and Citizens on eRepublik.

But, could it be better?

Honestly, I believe that it could be better. Especially in anouncing their plans for the community. On what do I mean exactly. I will quote a section from the last article: "And yeah, we are on schedule." I believe that every citizens asks themselves: What schedule? Last year you have published plans for first half of 2009 which gave citizens an idea what will happen next in eRepublik. Now, your updates come unexpected and people are not prepared for them. I am not saying that this updates were bad, but give the people a chance that they prepare for them

Overall grade for eRepublik insider would be: 90 % (Still an excellent result)

Forum (Open Letters)

And now, the most problematic part of communication. An average of 15 open letters are open daily and lots of them are written in a way: Do that because you should do it. No exact reason why should it be implemented, or with reason that is not worth to be mentioned. Honestly, this part has to be redesigned, becuase at this moment anyone can write it, experienced or beginner, without or with any sense, and usually it is ignored.

My suggestion is that you create an open letter patern (how it should look like) and that you limit EP level that can start an open letter, or ad least that starting of open letter costs gold (20 gold so that it can't be started just like that). This should improve the quality of Open Letters which could give an Administrator a larger dose of overview of the community wishes with more information why, or why not, in the first post of the open letter.

For now, my grade of the open letter is: 20 % (A good idea, but it has to be improved)

I will only say: Is it really needed? All information published there are also published in eRepublik insider. I honestly do not know what is the purpose of it, the only advantage is that non-registered users can post on it, so it could be used as a source of information to the people that are NOT playing eRepublik. In this way, blog has advantages, but in the way of communication between Admins and Citizens is in fact completely not needed.

Overall grade: 0 % (It should be improved and written in the way that people who are not playing eRepublik find out why should thay play eRepublik.

And the last, but definetely not less important - the "new" ticket system. Implemented in June 2009, it brought a new dimension of communication between Admins and citizens. In the beginning I believed that this ticket system will be a failure with a long period of waiting for answers, with no real results, and at the end that it will be a complete failure. I was wrong. Usually answered in few days on "basic" question and in the longest period of two weeks for "complicated" questions. Unfortunately, it happens that some of the tickets are not answered or that the answers are not answered correctly, but luckily for the community, the number of this "mistakes" is not big. On this matter I have to congratulate Admins, but also the moderators who are answering on them. Well done!

Overall grade: 90 % (Still an excellent result)

Combination of official newspaper and ticket system is in fact the best way of communication between Admins and Citizens. One gives the citizens information from the Admins and other gives feedback to the Admins and additional info to the citizens about its problems. Unfortunately, Open Letters are dying for improvement and blog should be redesigned and be an "external" media which should "bring" new citizens to the game.

On the end of this trilogy letters I have to say few things:
*1. These articles are written for ALL citizens of the New World, regardless on their color (White, Black, Green, Yellow, Purple, etc.) or nationality (Croatian, Serbian, American, Romanian, Greek, Polish, Martian, Alien, etc.)
*2. These articles are written in three different countries so that I do not occupy the 60 % of the top 5 articles in a country. I would like to thank the Polish, Serbian and Croatian community for their consideration. THANK YOU!
*3. I would like to thank everyone who helped on writing these articles by their comments, articles, messages and chat suggestions. THANK YOU!
*4. Also, I have to thank all people that voted, or will vote, on one, or all of these articles. THANK YOU!
*5. And last, but not the least - I would like to thank Admins for their time in reading this articles, which are infact intended to them. THANK YOU

Your addicted eCitizen,
